Sunday, July 13, 2014

A Little Bit About Me

Hey everyone! My name is Cherise. I am going into senior year of high school this fall and am really excited about it. These last few years I have been having quite a few medical problems. It all started with something little and then has gotten worse. There have been many different doctors and hospital stays, I even had to go to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. They know that I have a form of Dysautonomia but they are not sure why I have it. So I have to do more tests and deal with more appointments. Currently, I am managing but I am unable to do normal teenage things... like go to normal high school Monday through Friday. Instead I am going to a high school where you only have to go to class once a week for about an hour and you do practically everything at home. Going through all of this I have lost the ability to do things I enjoy such as bike riding, hanging out with friends for a long time, or dancing. Since I can't do those things, I have been baking, cooking, crafting, and watching A LOT of television. Probably too much TV but what else are you going to do when you are not feeling well and have no energy or strength to get up? I have a little Chin-Pin, Ginger, who is my little love bug and brings me joy. I truly believe that she thinks she is a baby, she loves to be held like one and cuddle all the time. This is just a little about me and eventually I will share more bits about my life with all of you.   :)

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