Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Sequoia Road Trip

On Saturday my sister, cousin, and I went to the Sequoias. I made two road trip cd's that we listened to for the four hours it took for us to get there.
Once we got there we stopped at a river where we swam for about an hour. It was a lot of fun, so much fun that I ended up getting at least five bruises. We got lunch and then headed into the Sequoia National Forest to look for a River big enough to float in intertubes. Well trying to do that was quite the hiking adventure. we have made memories that are going to be awesome stories in the future. After the hiking fiasco we tried to check into our hotel, but couldn't sue to the computer changing the reservation dates that my sister made the day before. Trying to deal with the rude employees at the hotel was getting us nowhere so we decided to go back into the forest. When in the forest we drove around and drove through the fallen tree, walked through trees, saw a buck and a bear, took pictures with a fallen tree that showed it's incredible roots, and my cousin and sister got attacked by mosquitoes.

Once it got dark we drove home since we had no where to stay. On our way home we got some delicious dinner and coffee which helped us stay awake through the drive. We finally arrived at my sister's home at 2:30 in the morning. I had a fantastic time with my family. This trip made me feel so incredibly blessed. 

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