Sunday, July 13, 2014

Getty Villa

On Friday my sister came over to my house. I thought we were just going to hang out at my house. Nope. She had other ideas. I got ready for the day and she then gave me the options of go to a movie or to the Getty Villa (I had no idea what this was). I chose the Getty Villa! I love exploring new places, especially when it is with my awesome sister. We get there... or at least thought we did... and find out we were at the Getty Museum hahaha. So we get back in the car and head to the villa. On the way there I told her that I have never been to Malibu and I want to. She said that she hasn't either and wants to also. Finally we get to the villa. When we get there we find out that it is in Malibu! Already it is an exciting day but it got even better. We got a tour of the gardens and then explored on our own. This place is magnificent. We loved it. There is a cafe there so we decide to try it, we both got a lemon chicken greek wrap and it was delicious. When we were done with this adventure we were stuck in two and half hours of California traffic. Traffic is not fun unless you have a ukulele... which my sister did :) I got to play it in the car and had a blast. I must say that I got the hang of it pretty fast. Here are some pictures of Friday's fun filled day.

Raquel playing with shadows

 Me playing with shadows

 Us in front of one of the many fountains

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