Sunday, July 13, 2014

Taking Control

After the last few years of doctors, medicines, tests, sickness, and hospitals I am deciding to stop letting this illness control me. It took my energy, happiness, friends, and hobbies. I am not going to let it take anything else. I am going to beat this illness. This illness is going to lose... I really like to win! (Thank you Grandma for my competitive spirit). The doctors want me to exercise so that is exactly what I am going to do. I am stopping the continuous resting by going on walks. This started last Monday. I went on a walk for 11 minutes and got a .7 miles. Tuesday I walked for 15 minutes and reached a mile. Wednesday I decided to walk faster, I did a mile in 13 minutes. Thursday I did the mile in 12 minutes and 50 seconds. Friday I went on my adventure with my sister which consisted of a lot of walking. Saturday I wanted to walk longer... so I did... for 25 minutes and reached 1.7 miles. Today I went to the USS Iowa with my brother, it was so much fun and was quite a bit of walking with stairs. Each day I have been taking a picture while I do my walking adventure. Here are the ones I have taken so far...

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