Tuesday, June 17, 2014

End of the School Year

It is the end of this school year for many students right now. Today, I went to my little cousin's promotion to high school ceremony. It was very nice... and not too long. LOL. To hear all the positive speeches from some of the students was very inspiring. These student went through probably some of the cruelest years of their student lives and yet they still had good things to say. School is hard. Not just because of trying to get good grades but because you have to put up with so much drama with other kids. I have to say that I will not forget some of the awful things that happened in junior high. After seeing all the students today celebrating their achievement made me realize that this is just a little part of our journey to our dreams. So today's quote is about how you dream big and don't give up no matter what because you will still go somewhere great.

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