Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Have A Cream Puff... Or Two.

Some Tuesday nights I join my mom and her friends for dinner, dessert, and sometimes a craft. We make something new each week. This something could be a dinner, or a tasty new dessert, or even a craft or project. Going to this ever so often has been really nice. All the ladies there are super sweet. I am happy to call them my family now. These Tuesday nights have been my adventure outside from being stuck inside all day and sometimes daysssss. So this week we decided to make a dessert and craft together. Well it was my job to figure out what dessert we should make and immediately I thought CREAM PUFFS! Who doesn't love cream puffs?! I made them before for mothers day this year and it wasn't too hard... for me at least. I decided that I would make the pastry puff at home before we go over and we can make the cream together then fill all the puffs. Let's just say that there were hardly any left. :) I got some pictures of our creation process... here they are:
                                                             This is just the puff-

Here is the cream filling-

And here is the end result-

Last time I made them I covered some in melted semi-sweet chocolate... SO YUMMY

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