Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Richness in Life

Hey everyone! Sorry about skipping "Take a Second" yesterday. It was my grandma's 80th birthday and we joined her and some of my other family at a nail salon. My grandma's sister and niece- whom live out of state- surprised her with a visit. It was really nice to be able to visit with them. Later, I got to spend some quality time with my second cousin. We realized that we have quite a bit in common :) After having nice family time yesterday I came to the conclusion that family is the most important thing in my life and always will be. Let me just say that I do NOT have a small family, so there is a lot of family to fill my life. I was having a hard time finding a quote for today until I remembered how much I feel blessed to have such a wonderful family. That then made me think of how much I value them. So here is today's quote: 
 I love this. I hope you guys do too.

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